Can Vitamin D Help with Depression and Anxiety? - Mamma Chick

Can Vitamin D Help with Depression and Anxiety?

It’s easy to not feel your best when you aren’t getting the nutrients that you need daily. When you lack nutrition, mental health issues like anxiety and depression can creep in. What vitamins help with anxiety and depression? Vitamin D is one of the best vitamins that you can take.

It is also one of the nutrients that many people lack today. Vitamin D deficiency affects 42% of the population in the United States. This is a vitamin that serves many purposes, and getting your recommended daily amounts could change your body’s entire approach to daily wellness and health.

Here’s what you should know about Vitamin D and how a deficiency can be detrimental.

Vitamin D Deficiency Affects Mental Health

You might start to notice mental health issues when you are deficient in Vitamin D. It’s a vitamin that is easy to become deficient in modern times. Vitamin D is a nutrient that comes from the sun, but people spend more time indoors today than they did in previous years.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approximates that most of us spend 90% of our lives indoors. Here are some of the mental health issues that people deal with when their Vitamin D levels are low:

Anxiety Issues and Depression

Can vitamin deficiency cause anxiety and depression? These are some of the leading symptoms that people deal with when they aren’t getting enough Vitamin D each day.

Some of the problems that come with low Vitamin D might include:

  • A consistent state of worry for seemingly no reason
  • A sense of unhappiness
  • Heightened breathing and dizziness
  • Depression to the point of feeling suicidal
  • Fatigue and irritability

It’s difficult to have strong, productive days when you’re dealing with anxiety and depression. If you’re battling some of these and/or other symptoms, consider getting some blood work done to check your Vitamin D levels.

Your physician might suggest dosing Vitamin D to help with your depression management and/or anxiety management.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

There is a scientific basis to the fact that a lack of sunshine can affect your mood. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a form of depression that affects people as the seasons change. Some people become more depressed when the colder weather seasons emerge since there’s less sunshine every day.

Coping with depression itself is difficult enough, but it becomes even more difficult when it is tied to the seasons. Taking Vitamin D during cold weather months could help by making sure your levels stay within the right range.

Other Serious Health Problems

Aside from coping with anxiety and depression, a Vitamin D deficiency can cause a host of other issues. When health problems start mounting up due to a lack of Vitamin D, it can affect your mental health more seriously.

Other serious health issues that may occur include:

  • Weakening bones
  • Heart disease
  • Liver and kidney problems

Vitamin D also aids in the absorption of Calcium, which is directly linked to bone, heart, muscle, and nerve health.  So when your Vitamin D levels are where they need to be, your body can strengthen physically as well as strengthening your immune system.

How Vitamin D Works

Vitamin D is a naturally occurring substance that interacts with receptors in your body. These receptors are located in places like your heart, brain, and muscles.

When you get enough Vitamin D, it creates balance and helps your many different systems work more effectively.

Ramping Up Your Vitamin D Intake

A simple way to overcome a Vitamin D deficiency is to make sure that you get more of it. You can get Vitamin D from a few different sources.

Whether you are deficient or not, here are some ways you can boost your Vitamin D:

Enjoy Some Time in the Sun

When you want to increase your Vitamin D levels, add a little sunlight to your day. Sit near a window while sipping some coffee in the morning. Plant some flowers or walk your dog.

Vitamin D is absorbed through your skin, so make sure you wear clothing that gives you decent exposure. In the summertime, you can get all the Vitamin D you need each day by spending just 8 to 10 minutes in the sun.

People who have more melanin in their skin have a harder time absorbing Vitamin D and may require more time. It is not uncommon for darker skinned people to be Vitamin D deficient and need to supplement.

Take Vitamin D Supplements

Start by taking a multivitamin that includes Vitamin D. Talk to your doctor or wellness provider about your daily recommended doses.

You might also choose to purchase an additional Vitamin D supplement. In general, it is always recommended to take a vitamin with food so that it absorbs into your bloodstream.

How soon will I feel better after taking Vitamin D? Your mileage may vary, but give it at least a couple of weeks. People with especially low Vitamin D levels might notice a change within a day or two.

Eat a Healthier Diet

You can also get more Vitamin D through the foods you eat. Here are some Vitamin D-rich foods you can add to your daily diet:

  • Egg yolks
  • Milk fortified with Vitamin D
  • Mushrooms
  • Salmon
  • Certain cereals

Maintain a balanced diet to go with your Vitamin D foods to make sure that you’re getting all of the nutrients that you need.

What Vitamins Help With Anxiety and Depression?

Vitamin D is one of the best supplements you can take if anxiety and depression are getting you down.

Now that you have a clear answer to your question, “What vitamins help with anxiety and depression?”, be sure that you get them from a reliable source.

Mamma Chick is rich in supplements, including a recommended dose of the Vitamin D you need to feel like your best self. The eight vitamins and minerals formula target PMS, PMDD, and daily wellness. Learn all about our story and shop for products that are best for your needs.

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