PMS vs. Pregnancy Symptoms: How to Differentiate Between the Two

PMS vs. Pregnancy Symptoms: How to Differentiate Between the Two

Did you know that 1 in every 475 pregnant women is unaware they are pregnant until at least 20 weeks or more? For reasons like this, it’s important to know the difference between signs of pregnancy and signs of PMS. When it comes to PMS vs pregnancy symptoms, the two are more similar than you might think!

There are many similarities, so it will help to know all about the signs of each and what their differences are. At Mamma Chick, we’re passionate about women’s health and show it by offering our Mamma Chick PMS Supplement Drink Mix.

We made our drink mix using 7 simple ingredients to make your period woes easier.

Tackle symptoms like cramps, fatigue, and bloating with our formula. Mamma Chick’s drink is also doctor-formulated, vegan, gluten-free, and tastes great!

Read on to learn how to differentiate between symptoms of PMS and pregnancy. The more you know, the more you can be in tune with what’s going on with your body.

Learn the Similarities First

Recognize that PMS symptoms vs pregnancy symptoms are hard to tell apart sometimes. That’s why it’s best to know about all the possible symptoms for each.

Both PMS and pregnancy can cause certain physical discomforts like breast swelling or tenderness and fatigue.

Breast tenderness is a symptom of both PMS and pregnancy. With PMS, breasts may feel sore, and full, and breast tissue may feel bumpy towards the latter half of your cycle. These feelings should go away during or after your period.

During early pregnancy, breasts may become sore and tender and feel fuller or heavier. This usually occurs a couple of weeks after conception and can last throughout the pregnancy.

Fatigue is also a symptom of both. With PMS, you may find it harder to get a good night’s sleep and will feel tired as a result. This should stop once your period starts.

During pregnancy, there is an increased level of progesterone, a hormone that helps you maintain a pregnancy. The presence of this hormone in your body will leave you feeling tired often, especially during your first trimester.

Fatigue will hit hard in the early days of pregnancy and it may last throughout the entirety of it. Having a good diet and going to sleep earlier may help with this.


Stomach cramping is another key symptom of both PMS and pregnancy. It’s important to understand the difference between cramping in each situation.

Cramping during PMS is normal, but not everyone gets them. If you have PMS or PMDD, you may notice cramping a couple of days before your period starts. These should go away sometime during your period or right after.

If you’re experiencing PMS cramps, there are simple solutions to help ease your discomfort.

Customers rave about how drinking Mamma Chick’s supplement drink helps improve their period symptoms, including cramping. You can also try an over-the-counter solution like ibuprofen.

You may also experience cramping during early pregnancy. These will likely feel like PMS cramps, so it can be easy to mistake pregnancy for PMS when it comes to cramps.

The only difference is that pregnancy cramps may be located in your lower back or stomach. Pregnancy cramps may also last for weeks or months.

With both types of cramps, a heating pad, plenty of rest, a hot bath, and lots of fluids may also bring comfort.


Bleeding is one major difference in pregnancy vs PMS symptoms.

Bleeding happens during your period, but it does not happen during PMS. You may experience spotting the day you start your period before your flow becomes heavier.

You may also have spotting on the last day or two of your cycle. Otherwise, spotting is not expected during other parts of your cycle.

Bleeding during pregnancy is a different experience. You may notice light spotting and mistake it for the beginning of your period when instead it’s one of the early signs of pregnancy.

Bleeding during pregnancy, if there is any at all, often happens during the first trimester. Bleeding during the first trimester should not be a cause for alarm, as about 20% of women experience this.

This usually happens sometime around the first 6-12 days after conception. It happens as your fertilized egg implants itself into the lining of your uterus.

The bleeding is usually light and doesn’t last long, for a few hours or days, and can be mistaken for an unusually light and short period.

If you notice your period is shorter and lighter than normal, it may be time to consider taking a pregnancy test, just to be sure.

Make sure to check in with your doctor about any bleeding you experience during any phase of pregnancy.

Nausea or Vomiting

While PMS is associated with cramps and other unpleasant stomach feelings, it is unlikely that you will experience severe nausea or vomiting every month during your period.

While some women do feel slightly nauseous due to cramps during PMS, nausea or vomiting is much more likely to happen during pregnancy.

When it comes to PMS symptoms vs pregnancy, this symptom should stand out easily. If it’s PMS, your cramps may be severe enough to make you feel like you want to skip a meal or eat light.

If you are pregnant, the sight or smell of certain foods may bring on an unexpected wave of nausea.

Nausea or vomiting usually feels the strongest during the first trimester and starts sometime before the ninth week. Often these unpleasant feelings will subside by the second trimester.

However, it can last throughout an entire pregnancy. Remember, everyone’s body experiences pregnancy differently.

Changes in Appetite and Food Choice

Increased appetite and cravings are associated with both PMS and periods. These changes in appetite occur for different reasons in each scenario.

You may notice when you’re PMSing that you’re more prone to snacking and eating heavy foods, carbs, or sweets. Fatty foods will seem more appealing and you may find yourself reaching for snacks more often throughout the day.

The changes in your estrogen and progesterone levels right before your period are responsible for your sudden need to eat more when you’re PMSing.

The biggest difference between period vs pregnancy changes in appetite is that PMSing doesn’t cause major food choice changes.

When you’re pregnant, you may notice a sudden change in the foods you crave or like. You may find that you suddenly can’t eat foods you once loved. The sight or smell of food you’re familiar with may even make you nauseous.

You may also start to crave foods you have never craved before. It’s also possible you may lose a lot of your appetite in the beginning stages of pregnancy. You may also find you want to eat more than usual.

Your appetite and the foods you crave will likely change during both PMS and pregnancy. Take note, and a pregnancy test, if you find yourself craving foods you normally aren’t interested in.

Moodiness or Emotional Ups and Downs

PMS and pregnancy both have a reputation for causing unexpected mood swings.

During the PMS phase of your cycle, you may experience feelings of irritability, anxiousness, sadness, depression, and not wanting to be around others. You may also notice emotional sensitivity and might cry easily or more often.

These symptoms are usually present a week or a few days leading up to your period, but this time frame is different for everyone. These rollercoaster emotions should go away once your period starts.

Mood swings during pregnancy can also be common. This can be caused by your fluctuating hormones along with the stresses and worries that sometimes arise during pregnancy.

Mood swings during pregnancy are most likely to be felt during the first and third trimesters as your hormone levels change.

Moodiness in early pregnancy symptoms vs PMS can be hard to differentiate. Make sure to track your mood levels over time for a more accurate picture of what is going on with your body.

If you’re feeling extra moody due to PMS or pregnancy, make sure to get plenty of rest. You can also have fun with a friend, take a walk, or grab a Mamma Chick supplement drink to help you relax and enjoy the day.

PMS vs Pregnancy Symptoms and More

Now you know the similarities and differences between PMS vs pregnancy symptoms. It’s important to be familiar with them all so you can stay connected and in tune with your body and any changes you notice.

If you’re looking for relief from PMS or PMDD symptoms, let Mamma Chick help you out. Our supplement drink supports your body by reducing mood swings, abdominal stress, breast pain, and more. Order your Mamma Chick supplement today!

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