How to Get Rid of Period Pimples - Mamma Chick

How to Get Rid of Hormonal Acne

In addition to bleeding, about 90% of women who menstruate say they experience other symptoms like period pimples. If you’re struggling with horrendous period breakouts, you’re not alone. It doesn’t have to continue affecting your appearance or self-confidence!

Instead, read on to learn how to get rid of period acne. With these tips, you can maintain clear and beautiful skin without stress.

Learn more about managing PMS symptoms like breakouts today!

Understand Your Triggers

Understanding what’s causing your hormonal acne could prove key to managing your breakouts.

Hormonal acne can affect both men and women. In fact, acne is the most common skin condition in the US. It affects about 80% of the population during their lifetime.

Acne usually develops if you have clogged pores. Hormonal acne, on the other hand, forms due to hormonal changes. Hormone fluctuations can increase how much oil your skin produces.

The oil can start to interact with the bacteria in your skin’s pores where hair follicles are located, causing acne. You can develop clogged pores due to:

  • Bacteria
  • Dead skin cells
  • Excess sebum

Sebum is an oily substance that’s created by your sebaceous glands, which are located in the middle layer of your skin.

While you can’t control every acne trigger, you can control stress, lack of sleep, and the products you use. For example, perhaps you’re using products that aren’t oil-free and are therefore clogging your pores.

Causes you can’t control include:

  • Changing hormone levels during your period
  • A family history of acne
  • A pre-existing medical condition like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • Side effects of medications (like steroids)

Hormone fluctuations can also occur while you’re pregnant. However, acne that develops while you’re pregnant should get better as the pregnancy progresses.

Consider the Type

Hormonal acne can appear as:

  • Whiteheads
  • Blackheads
  • Papules
  • Pustules
  • Cysts

These symptoms might get worse due to a poor diet, high humidity, pollution, or stress. Squeezing or picking at your skin could make your acne worse, too.

Determining the type of hormonal acne you have can help you determine the best course of treatment.

For example, use topical cream (tretinoin) if you have blackheads or whiteheads. If you experience hormonal acne, try a topical retinoid, antibiotic, or benzoyl peroxide. Consider consulting a dermatologist to avoid interactions.

If you’re struggling with cystic acne, talk to your dermatologist for a stronger course of action.

Other treatments for hormonal acne include daily skin cleansing, birth control, changes in diet, and laser/light therapy.

Reducing Your Risk of Breakouts

You might find over-the-counter products are ineffective if you have severe hormonal acne. Here are a few other methods you can use to manage your period breakouts.

Oral Contraceptives

Most oral contraceptives that are used for acne treatment contain ethinylestradiol along with:

  • Drospirenone
  • Norethindrone
  • Or norgestimate

These ingredients can target the hormones that contribute to acne breakouts.

However, your doctor might not recommend oral contraceptives if you have a history of breast cancer, high blood sugar, or blood clots. Make sure to consult a doctor before adding oral contraceptives to your regimen.

Anti-Androgen Drugs

These medications are designed to decrease the male hormone androgen. Though men and women both have this hormone, too much can continue to cause acne issues. Androgen can interfere with hair follicles that regulate skin cell growth.

They can also increase oil production, leading to hormonal acne.

Your doctor or dermatologist might recommend spironolactone for its anti-androgen effects. Spironolactone could keep your body from producing more androgens, allowing hormone levels to stabilize.


A dermatologist might recommend retinoids if you only have mild hormonal acne.

Topical retinoids are derived from vitamin A. They’re available in creams, gels, and lotions. You can get a prescription-strength formula from your doctor to keep your skin clear.

Make sure to use sunscreen daily if you apply retinoids, which can otherwise increase your risk of sunburn.

Tea Tree Oil

You can also use plant-based treatments to clear up your hormonal acne. These options are usually free of the side effects people experience when using medications.

For example, tea tree oil could decrease inflammation that’s associated with your acne. You can find tea tree oil featured as an ingredient in many cleansers and toners. Consider using it for spot treatment, too.

When using tea tree essential oils, always dilute them with a carrier (like a facial lotion, coconut oil, or jojoba oil). But make sure to as your dermalologist which oil is best and doesn’t clog pores. Use about 12 drops of carrier oil for every drop of essential oil. Beforehand, make sure to do a skin patch test to ensure you don’t experience irritation.


Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) are derived from citrus fruits. They can help remove the excess dead skin cells that are clogging your pores. If you have acne scars, AHAs might reduce their appearance over time.

You can find AHAs available in creams and masks. However, AHAs could increase your skin’s sensitivity to the sun. Always apply sunscreen before heading outside.

Adjust Your Diet

Your diet could trigger your period pimples, too. Consider adding more anti-inflammatory foods to your diet, including foods rich in:

  • Zinc
  • Vitamins A and E
  • Antioxidants

You can find other PMS acne-relief ingredients in this formula.

Zinc can help prevent and treat acne. It’s available in foods like turkey, quinoa, cashews, and pumpkin seeds.

Vitamins A and E are antioxidants that can lessen the severity of your acne. For vitamin A, try cheese, eggs, sweet potatoes, squash, or leafy greens. For vitamin E, try almonds, mango, red sweet pepper, or sunflower seeds.

Other antioxidants like omega-3 fatty acids could reduce your inflammation as well. Try eating more fish and eggs or take an omega-3 supplement.

Otherwise, consider which foods are triggering your acne, such as sugar, dairy, refined carbs (white bread, pasta, etc.), or red meats.

Say Goodbye to Your Period Pimples Today

Don’t let chronic, hormonal acne impact your appearance or self-confidence. Instead, use these tips to start managing your period pimples. Applying these tips could help you maintain a clear, beautiful face without stress!

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